Looking for a string can be painful while coding.
Developers have to scan through a code document to edit several instance of a string. It gets more confusing when we begin to find words we don't want just because it contains the keyword we are looking for.
In this short blog, I will show how to search for exact or specific string in VSCode.
We will be using a scenario where you are looking for the string "class" and you have "className" coming up as a result.
Exact String
If you look at the search bar in the image above, you would see that I am looking for the "class" string, but multiple "className" keyword were highlighted. That is because they contain the "class" string.
To find exact "class" string, turn on the Match Whole Word button highlighted with red pencil below.
You can also use the Alt+W shortcut.
In the image above, only the exact keyword "class" is selected.
You can also match exact case.
Exact Case
In the image above, other case of the string was created.
It was highlighted too, but we want only "class", starting with a lowercase.
To find exact "class" string case, turn on the Match Case button highlighted with red pencil below.
You can also use the Alt+C shortcut.
That will be all. Hope you found value here as you learn to build more projects effectively.
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